Can I use a GPS road navigator? If I don’t have one, which one should I buy?
Rui Cabaço2020-05-01T06:36:11+00:00Off road navigation has nothing to do with road navigation.
What happens if I am injured in an accident?
Rui Cabaço2020-05-01T06:38:22+00:00Again, the best cure is prevention. We insist that the
What should I do if my car breaks down or suffers an accident during the Raid?
Rui Cabaço2020-05-01T06:40:10+00:00The best solution is prevention. Safety is a priority in
Are there enough petrol stations along the way?
Rui Cabaço2020-05-01T06:42:04+00:00Yes, but we recommend filling up whenever possible. The next
Which spares should I bring for the vehicle?
Rui Cabaço2020-05-01T08:48:57+00:00As a rough guide we indicate some problems that you
What preparation does my vehicle need?
Rui Cabaço2020-05-01T06:46:43+00:00Preparation is up to you and aims to improve your
If I buy a vehicle to participate in the Maroc, what can I do with it afterwards?
Rui Cabaço2020-05-01T08:57:42+00:00You can keep it to participate in subsequent editions of
Is it possible to take part in the race in a standard 4×2 car without too much difficulty?
Rui Cabaço2020-05-01T08:53:57+00:00The event takes you through places where the tracks are
What do I need to know to drive over the various different terrains in the Maroc?
Rui Cabaço2020-05-01T08:54:57+00:00The terrain can often change even during the same stage.