Hall of fame
Here you can find details of all previous editions of the Maroc Challenge, from the route map to the winners in each of the categories and classifications.
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C1 | 2CV BURTON | 12 | WEGO - NOW | Fabio Morelli | Paolo Ricaboni | |
Adventure C2 | 190 | 33 | HELLFIRE | Iban Ligue | Elias Perez | |
Adventure C3 | PANDA | 40 | SPORTQUATTRO | Edoardo Bresolin | Riccardo Rigoni | |
Adventure C4 | A6 | 4 | TODO_OFFROAD 1 | Francisco Peñarroya | Luis Vásquez | |
Classic Dune Buggy | Buggy GP | 4 | SATANAS | Laurent Lacasa | Genevieve Lacasa | |
Adventure Lite | HDJ 80 | 100 | JABAL TARIQ | Daniel Lopez | Dominique Lopez | |
Adventure SUV | RAV4 | 200 | RAV4EVER | João Mendes | João MendesMatilde Mendes | |
Adventure TT1 | VITARA | 383 | FAIF RACING | Miguel Covas | Amador Massanet | |
Adventure TT2 | PATROL | 370 | OLIVEIROS GRUPO TEAM | Oliveros Pedreira | Luis Amorim | |
Adventure TT3 | WRANGLER | 384 | TEAM TARODO'SS | Carlos Pachon | Carlos Estelles | |
Raid | LJ 73 | 512 | GREY MAMBA | Jaume Camprubi | Eduardo Mas Sangra |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C1 | IGNIS | 7 | STUNNING | Jose Domingues | Ricardo Barbosa | Classification |
Adventure C2 | 190 | 32 | FROSKER | Eugenio Recuenco | Pedro Galan | Classification |
Adventure C3 | PANDA | 22 | BROTOM | Juan Fernandez | Maria Fernandez | Classification |
Adventure C4 | SCENIC RX4 | 34 | MILILLOS COMPETICION & AVENTURA | Juan Jose Mercader | Juan David Mercader | Classification |
Adventure Rookie | HDJ 80 | 101 | MANOLITO | Daniel Lopez | Kevin Davies | Classification |
Adventure SUV | RAV4 | 260 | VESPAZIKO TEAM | Joseba Echebarria | Manuel Blanco | Classification |
Adventure TT1 | JIMNY | 312 | TEAM ALBERO | Sergio Vilaró | Santiago Ortega | Classification |
Adventure TT2 | L200 | 351 | RACINGFEST3 | André Correia | Luis Correia | Classification |
Adventure TT3 | HDJ 80 | 341 | HDJ-VISION | Ignacio Vega | Laura Diaz | Classification |
Raid | MONTERO | 520 | FABELAN MOTOSPORT DID | Jon Cañada | Itsaso Cañada | Classification |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C1 | 309 | 95 | ON THE ROAD AGAIN 03 | Benoit de Soultrait | Erwan Guicheney | Classification |
Adventure C2 | 300E | 54 | FULGEN FIRST | Sergio Abendivar | Aitor Antepara | Classification |
Adventure C3 | SINPAR | 10 | ROFMAN4X4 | Ixeya Navarro Omedas | Miguel Angel Navarro | Classification |
Adventure C4 | IMPREZA | 84 | PILOTES PER UN SOMRIURE GTR | Jose Martos Roig | Jose Lapeña | Classification |
Adventure Rookie | MONTERO | 171 | TRONQUET 71 PORTAL DE LA MARINA | Gaspar Ruiz | Vicente Ros | Classification |
Adventure SUV | RAV4 | 204 | RALLY SIERRA DE GATA | Marcos Martin | Maria Moron | Classification |
Adventure TT1 | JIMNY | 459 | GRAO RACERS | José Pachés | Vicente Conde | Classification |
Adventure TT2 | MONTERO | 365 | AUTOMÓVILES M.A. | Miguel Izquierdo | Enrique Perez | Classification |
Adventure TT3 | PATROL | 361 | FACKING PORTUGUESE | Gonçalo Santos | Vitor Santana | Classification |
Raid | HDJ80 | 515 | MYMSA | Jaume Aragall | Ernest Poma | Classification |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C1 | PANDA | 106 | BANDA DREAM TEAM | Carmelo Protopapa | Alessandro Torsello | Classification |
Adventure C2 | IBIZA | 100 | KRNO KENZA | John Reeves | Ian Bodman | Classification |
Adventure C3 | PANDA | 127 | NASCAR | Marco Spinelli | Renzo Calcinati | Classification |
Adventure C4 | 80 | 126 | RACING FEST RALLY RAID | Óscar Coelho | Antonio Carvalho | Classification |
Adventure SUV2 | RAV4 | 300 | CVA RACING TEAM | Tony Jurado Garcia | Carlos Pascual Vazquez | Classification |
Adventure TT1 | MONTERO | 218 | PIM PAM PUM | Manuel Sevilla Miralles | Eduardo Martinez Urbina | Classification |
Adventure TT2 | HDJ80 | 71 | TRONQUET 71 PORTAL DE LA MARINA | Gaspar Ruiz Ufano | Vicente Ros Coll | Classification |
Adventure TT3 | RANGER | 32 | TEAM 32 | Besse Bertrand | Marcet Alain | Classification |
Adventure TT4 | MONTERO | 264 | MONTESINOS 4x4 -SAÚL MOTORSPORT | Juan Gilar Villa | Saúl Navarro Aragones | Classification |
Raid | HDJ80 | 402 | MYMSA | Jaume Aragall Clavé | Ernest Poma Costa | Classification |
Trofeo Femenino | LJ73 | 203 | SIROCO RACE MZUNGU | Davinia Rodriguez Martín | Lourdes Castro Benitez |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C1 | 205 | 114 | RAYO CANILLAS | Francisco Gelardo Rodríguez | Luis Gómez Ruiz | Classification |
Adventure C2 | 205 | 300 | BECRISA RAID | Juan Tomas Nobel | José Luis Serena Romero | Classification |
Adventure C3 | PANDA | 128 | PACISA FIRE | Miquel Coll Cortada | Fidel Torrent Marsal | Classification |
Adventure C4 | IMPREZA | 140 | CRT ORANGE | Mario Perez Garrido | Alvaro Lara cardo | Classification |
Adventure C6 | KOLEOS | 148 | EL BARCO APARICIO | Oscar Aparicio Monedero | Jesús González Varela | Classification |
Adventure SUV | RAV4 | 200 | GAMARUS RAID TEAM | Didac Soto Ferrando | Irene Acevedo Romero | Classification |
Adventure TT1 | PATROL GR | 223 | NUNCA DEBI ENAMORARME | Roberto Mateo Rodríguez | Jose Julio Adame Carbó | Classification |
Adventure TT2 | 4RUNNER | 220 | TEAM ANDRA HIDRAULICA | Juan Luis Garrido | Carmen Gutiérrez | Classification |
Adventure TT3 | KDJ 150 | 205 | FORALLAC TEAM | Rafael Guillen Manera | José Angel García Cerrajero | Classification |
Raid TT1 | KDJ95 | 401 | AL LIBITUM!! | Javier Gómez Cordero | Jordi Canadell Setvalls | Classification |
Raid TT2 | HDJ100 | 434 | ASM SPORT | Ramon Terradellas Soler | Josep Viaplana | Classification |
Raid TT3 | KXR | 442 | BALART OFFROAD | Xavier Ocaña Valldosera | Anna Baqués Duran | Classification |
Trofeo Femenino | MONTERO | 274 | DOUBLE TROUBLE | Julie Voce | Sally Moore |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C1 | R4 | 127 | DOLCE & GABBANA TRASIMERO TEAM | Stefano Santuari | Gianluca Cardinali | Classification |
Adventure C2 | E34 | 119 | BARCELONA 4X4 XTREM 11E34 | Nocilau Martín Valencia | Daniel Sanjuan Vallés | Classification |
Adventure C3 | PANDA | 110 | TEAM OFF ROAD | Dario Reiser | Lorenzo Onderka | Classification |
Adventure C4 | RAV4 | 550 | VESPAZIKO TEAM | Joseba Echebarria Echebarria | Manuel García Blanco | Classification |
Adventure TT1 | GR | 213 | BARCELONA 4X4 XTREM 07 | Salvador Marrón Cabrera | Susana Almenara Fuentes | Classification |
Adventure TT2 | Patrol GR | 222 | PEGASO AVENTURA TEAM | Miguel Angel López Rodríguez | Fermín López García | Classification |
Adventure TT3 | KDJ 150 | 204 | FORALLAC TEAM | Rafael Guillen Manera | José Angel García Cerrajero | Classification |
Raid C2 | 300D | 301 | CAÑARICO TEAM 3 | Diego José Guzmán Carrasco | Matías Guzmán Carrasco | Classification |
Raid TT2 | KDJ 120 | 401 | SILVER FOX TEAM | Lluis Rodríguez Boldu | Antonio Callave Tresaco | Classification |
Raid TT3 | 4RUNNER | 419 | GALIDOM OFF ROAD | Felipe Iglesias Montouto | Daniel Iglesias Montouto | Classification |
Trofeo Femenino | CHEROKEE | 249 | TEAM VILANOVA GIRLS | Lydia López Vigara | Lydia Tan López | Classification |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C1 | R4 GTL | 116 | ARIES TEAM | Toni Gomez | Darya Kyrylenko | Classification |
Adventure C2 | 520I | 119 | BARCELONA 4x4 EXTREM | Robert Iglesias | Nicolau Martín | Classification |
Adventure C3 | 117 | PACISA FIRE | Miguel Coll | Fidel Torrent | Classification | |
Adventure C4 | RAV4 | 101 | MALALTS TEAM - GAMARUS | Didac Soto | Irene Acebedo | Classification |
Adventure TT1 | TERRANO | 262 | TERRANO TEAM - TORRO | Fernando Tofe | Daniel Santos | Classification |
Adventure TT2 | HDJ80 | 35 | MALALTS TEAM - UPPER DIAGONAL | Guillen Cumella Escobet | Alicia Bové | Classification |
Adventure TT3 | KDJ150 | 223 | FORALLAC TEAM | Rafael Guillen | José Angel García | Classification |
Raid TT2 | CHEROKEE | 426 | BENSUS 2 | Raúl Mora | Jaime Mora | Classification |
Raid TT3 | KDJ125 | 421 | SEMMEN SHOCKS TEAM II | Marcos Martínez | David Roma | Classification |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C1 | R4 GTL | 999 | PEKECARS TEAM | Jacinto Llorens Cano | Beatriz Carrión Murcia | Classification |
Adventure C2 | KADETT GT | 553 | BAL DE CHISTAU RACING TEAM | Guillermo Bernués Gavín | Tomás Peré García | Classification |
Adventure C3 | PANDA | 543 | LA CABRA TEAM | Sonia Vilchez Roche | José Vilchez Fernandez | Classification |
Adventure C4 | 80 | 467 | RAT STYLE | Jordi Reina Pérez | Josep Crespi Casajuana | Classification |
Adventure TT1 | CHEROKEE | 652 | MARTIN RACING | Pedro Arturo Martin | Nicolás Martin | Classification |
Adventure TT2 | RANG ROVER | 559 | RAID AVENTURA MAESTRAT | Patrick Montaner Agut | Mª Teresa Garrit Millan | Classification |
Adventure TT3 | DEFENDER | 558 | TEAM TALLERS VILANOVA 4X4 | Jose Luis Tan Iglesias | Alfonso Villen García | Classification |
Raid C4 | FORESTER | 545 | GO!! EMIRATES RALLY TEAM I | Jordi Olle Ariza | Yolanda Elvira Esteban | Classification |
Raid TT1 | DISCOVERY | 522 | PISTACHIO TEAM | Joan Altet | Samuel Cervera | Classification |
Raid TT2 | HDJ80 | 101 | MALALTS TEAM BOCÚDEFRITS | Guillen Cumella Escobet | Carles Barba | Classification |
Raid TT3 | MONTERO | 567 | ITALO DANCING | Tomaso Fenaroli Sanchez | José Enrique Rojas Carretón | Classification |
Trofeo Femenino | DEFENDER | 495 | LADY ROVER TEAM | Lorenza Veronelli | Ballabio Rebecca |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C1 | MARBELLA | 200 | BURRUSIKI'S TEAM | Didac Soto Ferrando | Nils Marin Planas | Classification |
Adventure C2 | 405 | 232 | DROMEDARI GAS Y FRESQUES | Marc Vilardebó Ruiz | Joaquim Costa Martinez | Classification |
Adventure C3 | PANDA | 256 | PACISA FIRE | Miquel Coll Cortada | Fidel Torrent Marsal | Classification |
Adventure C4 | IMPREZA | 310 | CRT ORANGE | Mario Perez Garrido | Alvaro Lara Cardo | Classification |
Adventure TT1 | CHEROKEE | 652 | MARTING RACING | Pedro Arturo Martin | Nicolas Martin | Classification |
Adventure TT2 | PAJERO | 244 | MALALTS TEAM BARBA | Carles Barba Giro | Andres Barba Sopeña | Classification |
Adventure TT3 | TERRANO | 304 | COOKIES TEAM NORTE & ESTE | Agurtzana Meruelo Conde | Fernando Bravo Ruiz | Classification |
Raid C2 | CLIO | 216 | WC | Emilio Segarra Pelaez | Marc Llober Perez | Classification |
Raid C4 | RAV4 | 169 | DFC TELECOM I | Jose Miguel de Fulgencio | Miguel Fulgencio | Classification |
Raid TT1 | TERRANO | 277 | XNA2 FACTORY TEAM IV | Jaiver Gomez Cordero | Victor Vizcaino | Classification |
Raid TT2 | KDJ | 222 | TEAM TENERIFE OVERLAND | Julio iguel Tur Diaz | Pablo Sanchez Martinez | Classification |
Raid TT3 | KDJ | 229 | MALALTS TEAM AE OFFROAD | Xavi Ocaña | Anna Baques | Classification |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C1 | R4 L | 122 | IURISTANTUM | Virgilio I. Hernández Urraburu | Iván Hernández García | Classification |
Adventure C2 | 205 | 130 | THE ESTUPEND'S TEAM II | María Pilar Alonso Torrecilla | Gabriel Moiset Ferrer | Classification |
Adventure C3 | PANDA | 107 | ALSO STARRING | Jordi Caula Pardas | María Cristina Lloret Gómez | Classification |
Adventure C4 | FORESTRE | 37 | FMU | Pedro Eslava Guijarro | Classification | |
Adventure TT1 | VITARA | 18 | LA FURIA DEL TURIA | Vidal Gil Tomás | Borja González Bernad | Classification |
Adventure TT2 | KZJ 95 | 628 | MY MECHANIC | Gavin Heritage | Marcus Heritage | Classification |
Adventure TT3 | KDJ120 | 87 | TEAM DOBINSON I | Alan Dobinson | María José Sueiras Rodriguez | Classification |
Raid C2 | 320 | 112 | KOALA BAY DESER TEAM | José Manuel Cabello | Javier Macía Martínez | Classification |
Raid TT1 | TERRANO | 8 | SCANDAL CANO TEAM | Sergio Fernández Bernal | Juan Carlos Cano Valverde | Classification |
Raid TT2 | CHEROKEE | 79 | BENSUS COMPETICION I | Raúl Mora Bermejo | Raúl Mora Rus | Classification |
Raid TT3 | RAV4 | 36 | ERC | Eduardo Miguel Escolano | Pablo Florencio Escolano | Classification |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C 2 | JETTA | 994 | MAD MAX | Enrique Verche Estevan | Carlos Tarodo Pachón | |
Adventure C 4 | FORESTER | 991 | GMC SPORTS I | Gerard Murgadella Casado | Josefa Calderón Felipe | |
Adventure TT | HDJ80 | 996 | GMC SPORTS V | Ramón Terradellas Soler | Rafael Marín Guiteras | |
Raid C2 | SIERRA | 987 | BRUMAR EXTREME | Juan José Bayarri Guanter | Andrés Buzón Velasco | |
Raid SUV | RAV4 | 169 | DFC TELECOM I | José Miguel de Fulgencio | Miguel de Fulgencio | |
Raid TT | MONTERO | 978 | RECITEAM-GMC | Francesc Relats Tintor | Jordi Cirera Francas |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C2 | CORDOBA | 823 | XAMON ESPORT | Ramón Segura Bru | Xavi de Mir Ferrer | |
Adventure C4 | FORESTER | 827 | SANSUMA RACING TEAM | Pedro Eslava Guijarro | Jairo Alvarez Jorge | |
Adventure TT | HDJ80 | 824 | CHENDY TEAM | David Ortiz Loza | Miguel Angel Ortiz Moreno | |
Raid C3 | PANDA | 860 | PANDA 4x4 SARDEGNA OFFICIAL CLUB | Gianfranco Soro | Francesco Soro | |
Raid TT | HDJ80 | 897 | TEAM SAIMOTO | Luis Sainero Heredero | Mario Sanchez Merino |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C2 | LANOS | 697 | COYOTE RALLY TEAM I | Enric Botet Vaca | Josep Navrro Garriga | |
Adventure C4 | 80 | 638 | LOCURAFILMS | Oriol García Magan | Kilian Perez Toro | |
Adventure TT | HDJ80 | 629 | CHENDY TEAM | David Ortiz Loza | María Esparza Beltran | |
Raid C2 | XSARA | 668 | GMC-MOTOR SPORT I | Rubén Fernández Querol | Vanesa Valle Núñez | |
Raid TT | CHEROKEE | 744 | BENSUS COMPETICION | Raúl Mora Bermejo |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C2 | 181 | 218 | TEAM KUBELWAGEN | Carl Punton | Ian Rigby | |
Adventure C3 | PANDA | 162 | PANDA HUEVOS | Xavi Barange Gómez | Eric Corretje Zamora | |
Adventure TT | SAMURAI | 226 | MARESME EXTREM III | Victor Comparada Vera | Ana Cristina Luque Higueruelo | |
Raid C2 | 190 2.6 | 200 | JULIO TOMÁS COMPETICIÓN | Julio Tomás María | Javier Tomás María | |
Raid C4 | IMPREZA | 255 | JULIO TOMÁS COMPETICIÓN III | Oscar Jareño Jordán | Diego Fernandez Jareño | |
Raid TT | DISCOVERY | 280 | PISTACHIO TEAM | Joan Altet Mesalles | Samuel Cervera Civil | |
Trofeo Femenino | NIVA | 243 | LADY NIVA TEAM | Mercè Ferrer Lluch | Georgina Cos Teixidor |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C2 | 405 | 112 | CALIQUENYO/TMC | Pere Coll Prats | Marc Deulofeu Prat | |
Adventure C3 | PANDA | 162 | PANDA HUEVOS! | Xavi Barange Gómez | Eric Corretje Zamora | |
Adventure TT | SAMURAI | 140 | TAK CUSTOM TEAM | Federico Alonso Calabuig | Andres Vazquez Calabuig | |
Raid C3 | PANDA | 155 | PANDA 4x4 SARDEGNA OFFICIAL CLUB II | Luca Iovino | Giuseppe Iervolino | |
Raid TT | 152 | LANDSQUARE TEAM | Pedro De Oliveira | Ricardo De Oliveira | ||
Trofeo Femenino | PATROL | 189 | MAZZIMA TEAM | Raquel Omedas Fernández | Marion Barbara Evans |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C2 | 190 2.6 | 86 | JULIO TOMÁS COMPETICIÓN | Julio Tomás María | Favio Renato Ricci Velasco | |
Adventure C3 | 4 SINPAR | 69 | ROFMAN 4x4 | Raquel Omedas Fernández | Miguel Ángel Navarro | |
Adventure TT | TERRANO | 90 | PEPICANT | Jose Auferil Llimos | Javier Arumi Perramon |
Category | Vehicle | # | Team | Driver | Co-Driver | Classification |
Adventure C2 | 205 | 14 | SHANTI TEAM | David Reynolds | Javier González | |
Adventure C3 | 4 SINPAR | 29 | ROFMAN 4×4 | Raquel Omedas | Miguel Angel Navarro | |
Adventure TT | PATROL GR | 11 | TMG TEAM | Emilio Gimeno | Angel Melgar |