The adverse weather conditions of recent months have meant that the Winter 2024 reconnaissance has been delayed as much as possible to ensure a more realistic view of the terrain and thus be able to check the routes for the upcoming Maroc Challenge with greater detail.

The event, which will be held from November 29 to December 7, will have the maximum guarantees, with surprising and spectacular landscapes that will captivate the participants.

We had planned to carry them out in September, but the strong storms at the end of the summer and beginning of autumn led us to make the decision to push on and design a route that was in line with the expectations of those who come to the Maroc Challenge, both those who will face the event for the first time and those who are already our regulars.

On the website you can find more details of the event and we will keep you up to speed on the recons through our social networks.  Don’t miss a thing. Adventure, fun and excitement await you.